It’s time to put yourself first.

Hi, I’m Dr. Jody Snider.

I’m a licensed Naturopathic Doctor located in Orillia. I offer health care and dis-ease prevention to patients locally and across Ontario who are looking for a natural, evidence-based approach to achieving their optimal health.

My compassionate approach addresses all aspects of your health, including diet and nutrition, vitamins and supplementation and deep dive into your daily habits and lifestyle.

Improve Your Mental Health & Well-Being.

Take Control of Your Hormones.

Have More Energy to Feel Your Best Self.

Get personalized guidance and support.

Nutrition & Vitamins

I believe that what you put into your body is the most important determinant of health. As such, we’ll break down and optimize what you are eating, how often and at what time of  day. We’ll also assess for nutrient deficiency and decide if supplementation, and which, is indicated for you.


No discussion of health is complete without also discussing sleep and sleep habits, exercise regime, stress and stress coping mechanisms and day to day routine. We’ll chat about all of it and make subtle changes that have massive impact on your health and well-being.

Plant-Based Medicine

There are so many claims out there about the “best new thing” for everything that ails us.  What works for one, may not always be the best option for YOU depending on your medical history, current medications and  more. I choose research-based treatment options based on your individual needs and health goals.


Acupuncture aims to restore the flow of natural energy, along pathways in the body. It’s believed to enhance or repair communication between our nervous system and our endocrine system. In practice, I use acupuncture most often in cases of anxiety, sleep disorders, pain management and fertility optimization.